Tag: Quantum

Besides the mere generation of quantum-safe keys by Quantum Key Distribution (QKD), the further procedure with the keys, such as storage, management, and distribution to the target applications just in time, also plays a major role in the ongoing security. Often, this equally important field is stil...

Category: WiN-Labor

The ongoing development of quantum computers affects the security of currently used encryption and authentication schemes. Therefore, this document presents 'Post Quantum Cryptography' (PQC) and 'Quantum Key Distribution' (QKD). PQC describes software based approaches for quantum safe encryption and...

Category: WiN-Labor

Since the beginning of the year, a growing number of countries have enacted explicit export controls for quantum computers and associated technology in the context of the dual-use issue. The presence of identical wording suggests secret preliminary negotiations. In Germany, according to an official ...

Category: News

Before a new technology can be commercially used on a large scale, first some practical experience has to be obtained. This is usually done in testbeds, where commercial hardware is used under realistic conditions. Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) facilitates the generation of common secret random nu...

Category: WiN-Labor

A collaboration of researches from the Imperial College London, the University of Stuttgart, the Julius Maximilian University of Würzburg and the University of Southampton succeeded in demonstrating writing to and reading from a quantum memory. The used photons were created in a single-photon source...

Category: News