
WiN-Lab Research: Key-Management and Control Systems for QKD

WiN-Lab Research: Key-Management and Control Systems for QKD

The important field of Key-Management of QKD is still insufficiently standardized and thus complicates the establishment of QKD networks and the interoperable integration of devices from different vendors into an existing network. Therefore, a focus lies on Key-Management-Systems (KMSs) and their control structures (partly with software-defined networking (SDN)) and ongoing standardizations by ETSI and ITU-T in comparison. In addition, frequently used key monitoring parameters are presented, and open questions about the various interfaces are raised.

Jasmin Neumann, Felix Trunk, Susanne Naegele-Jackson. December 2024

WiN-Lab Research: Quantum Key Distribution Testbeds

WiN-Lab Research: Quantum Key Distribution Testbeds

Before a new technology can be commercially used on a large scale, first some practical experience has to be obtained. This is usually done in testbeds, where commercial hardware is used under realistic conditions. This document provides a global overview on active and planned QKD testbeds in the period 2020 to early 2024. The focus is on the developments in Germany and Europe. For every testbed the used technologies, network topologies, goals, participants and current state are presented.

Felix Trunk, Jasmin Neumann, Susanne Naegele-Jackson. July 2024

WiN-Lab Research: PQC versus QKD

WiN-Lab Research: PQC versus QKD

This document presents ‘Post Quantum Cryptography’ (PQC) and ‘Quantum Key Distribution’ (QKD). PQC describes software based approaches for quantum safe encryption and signatures. In contrast to this, QKD creates secret shared random numbers for encryption via the exchange of special light states where evasdropping would be detected due to fundamental rules of quantum mechanics. Both approaches are explained in detail and current standardisations and recommendations are presented. Futhermore realisations and recommendations regarding a migration from currently used methods for encryption and signatures are presented.

Felix Trunk, Martin Seidel, Sascha Schweiger. March 2024

Cover of the 104th 'DFN Mitteilungen'. An abacus is shown.

Who turned the clock …? Time synchronisation with PTP

Wer hat an der Uhr gedreht? Zeitsynchronisation mit PTP in DFN-Mitteilungen 104 Page 24

Time synchronisation in networks is important for many applications. This article presents the Precision Time Protocol (PTP) and its extensions including PTPv2.1 White Rabbit. The later one enables clock synchronisations with precisions in the sub nano second time scale.

Martin Seidel, Sascha Schweiger, Dr. Susanne Naegele-Jackson. In: DFN Mitteilungen Issue 104, December 2023

WiN-Labor Research: Time synchronisation with PTP

WiN-Labor Recherche: Zeitsynchronisation mit PTP

This document presents the Precision Time Protocol (PTP) and its different versions. While the initial PTPv1 (IEEE 1588-2002) can be used to synchronize time between devices with a microsecond precision, the precision is improved with PTPv2 (IEEE 1588-2008) down to nanoseconds by using synchronisation via a common clock signal (SyncE). Starting from this, at CERN the White Rabbit protocol was developed which performs an additional phase comparison to reach precisions in the sub-nanosecond regime. This protocol was added as High Accuracy Profile to PTP in PTPv2.1 (IEEE 1588-2019).

Martin Seidel, Sascha Schweiger. April 2023

WiN-Lab Research: Network parameters in quantum networks

WiN-Labor Recherche: Netzwerkparameter in Quantennetzen

This document introduces important parameters for monitoring in quantum networks. Even now important experience can be obtained using simulations.

Martin Seidel, Sascha Schweiger. January 2023

WiN-Lab work paper and test report about quantum simulators

Work Paper of WiN-Lab: Quantum Simulators Catalog
Test Report of WiN-Lab: Quantum Simulators

A large number of easily accessible simulation programs for different aspects of quantum technology is available. In the document ‘Quantensimulatoren-Katalog’ an extensive list of different programs with short descriptions is given, while the document ‘Quantensimulatoren’ presents the detailed experiences of the WiN-Lab with selected simulation programs.

Martin Seidel, Sascha Schweiger. July 2022

Cover of the 104th 'DFN Mitteilungen'. Several musical instruments are shown.

Quantum simulations in practice

Quantensimulatoren in der Praxis in DFN-Mitteilungen 101 Page 38

Using simulation software it is already possible for anyone to investigate quantum computing, quantum networks and quantum communication protocols. This article presents several simulations programs and framworks.

Martin Seidel, Sascha Schweiger. In: DFN Mitteilungen Issue 101, June 2022

An overall picture for Time&Frequency and quantum communication in X-WiN

An overall picture for Time&Frequency and quantum communication in X-WiN

This document introduces the special network requirements of the application sectors ‘Time&Frequency’ (T&F) and ‘Quantum Communication’ (QuC). Furthermore possible applications are suggested.

Peter Kaufmann, Susanne Naegele-Jackson. April 2022

Cover of the 100th 'DFN Mitteilungen'. Shown is a Piñata.

Quantum networks – Between reality and future

Quantennetze – zwischen Realität und Zukunft in DFN-Mitteilungen 100 Page 34

Quantum networks are realisable with current technologies but usually still in an experimental state. The authors Dr. Peter Kaufmann and Dr. Susanne Naegele-Jackson explain the required structures and network components for quantum networks.

Peter Kaufmann, Susanne Naegele-Jackson. In: DFN Mitteilungen Issue 100, December 2021

WiN-Lab work paper: Quantum technology

Arbeitspapier des WiN-Labors: Quantentechnologie

With the start of Quantum Revolution 2.0, many countries and instituitions started initiatives and projects in research institutions in the area of quantum technology (QT). The goals span a wide scope between fundamental research, new products, setting up quantum networks and the installation of quantum computers. This document contains an overview of important initiatives and projects in the area of QT sorted by countries and regions: Germany, Europe and national projects.

Martin Seidel, Sascha Schweiger. November 2021

Cover of the 99th 'DFN Mitteilungen'. Shown is a black cat.

Quantum revolution 2.0 – The world of qubits

II. Quantenrevolution – die Welt der Qubits in DFN-Mitteilungen 99 Page 22

Beaming, going through walls – strange things are possible in the context of quantum physics. For future applications it is however necessary to understand the basics first. Therefore this article introduces important fundamental aspects of quantum technology.

Peter Kaufmann, Susanne Naegele-Jackson. In: DFN Mitteilungen Issue 99, June 2021

  • Internet Testbed der nächsten Generation – SCIONLab jetzt mit DFN-GVS
    David Hausheer. In: DFN Mitteilungen Ausgabe 97, August 2020
  • Virtuelle Netze leicht gemacht
    Peter Kaufmann, Susanne Naegele-Jackson, Sascha Schweiger, Philipp Seyerlein. In: DFN Mitteilungen Ausgabe 93, Juni 2018
  • Der neue GÉANT Testbeds Service
    Peter Kaufmann, Susanne Naegele-Jackson. In: DFN Mitteilungen Ausgabe 89, Juni 2016
  • X-WiN Confidential, Potenziale der neuen DWDM-Technik im Wissenschaftsnetz
    Kai Hoelzner, Birgit Kraft, Kai Ramsch. In: DFN Mitteilungen Ausgabe 84, Juni 2013
  • Anomalieerkennung basierend auf statistischer Modellierung von HADES-Messdaten
    Kai Ramsch, Birgit Kraft. ISBN: 978-3-88579-611-4, In: Proceedings des 6. DFN-Forum Kommunikationstechnologien, Erlangen, Juni 2013
  • Neue optische Wellenlängen – Multiplextechnik im Wissenschaftsnetz: Schneller, flexibler und kostengünstiger
    Birgit Kraft, Kai Ramsch. In: 88. Benutzerinformation RRZE, Mai 2013
  • Performance-Messungen im Netz: HADES-Messsystem – jetzt auch zum Selbstinstallieren
    Christian Bänsch, Hakan Calim, Andres Guerrero. In: 87. Benutzerinformation RRZE, April 2012
  • Schwachstellensuche – Qualitätsüberwachung im Netz durch Klassifizierung des HADES One-Way Delays
    Stephan Kraft, Birgit König, Martin Gründl. ISBN 978-3-88579-260-4, In: Proceedings des 3. DFN-Forum Kommunikationstechnologie, Konstanz, Mai 2010
  • Statistical Analysis of IP Delay Measurements as a Basis for Network Alert Systems
    Thomas Holleczek, Verena Venus, Susanne Naegele-Jackson. DOI 10.1109/ICC.2009.5199487, ISBN 978-1-4244-3435-0, In: Proceedings der International Conference on Communications, Dresden, Juni 2009
  • Differentiated Services – Konzepte und erste Erfahrungen, Praxis der Informationsverarbeitung und Kommunikation
    Ursula Hilgers, Richard Hofmann, Peter Holleczek. DOI 10.1515/PIKO.2000.81, In: PIK – Praxis der Informationsverarbeitung und Kommunikation Band 23 Heft 2, Januar 2008
  • perfSONAR: Performance Monitoring in europäischen Forschungsnetzen
    Andreas Hanemann, Stephan Kraft, Patricia Marcu, Jochen Reinwand, Helmut Reiser, David Schmitz, Verena Venus. ISBN 978-3-88579-224-6, In: Proceedings des 1. DFN-Forum Kommunikationstechnologien, Kaiserslautern, Mai 2008
  • IP-Performance in Europa: Das perfSONAR-Framework und seine Mess- und Visualisierungstools
    Birgit König, Stephan Kraft, Andreas Hanemann, David Schmitz. In: DFN Mitteilungen Ausgabe 71, Dezember 2006
  • Das DFN-Labor
    Birgit König, Stephan Kraft. In: 75. Benutzerinformationen RRZE, Oktober 2006
  • Statistical Characteristics of Active IP One Way Delay Measurements
    Peter Holleczek, Roland Karch, Ralf Kleineisel, Stephan Kraft, Jochen Reinwand, Verena Venus. DOI 10.1109/ICNS.2006.106, ISBN 0-7695-2622-5, In: Proceedings der International conference on Networking and Services, Juli 2006
  • Das DFN-Labor – Qualitätssicherung im Wissenschaftsnetz
    Birgit König, Stephan Kraft. In: DFN Mitteilungen Ausgabe 70, Juni 2006
  • Implementierung und Vergleich verschiedener Strategien zur Durchführung von Ethernet Performance Messungen
    Michael Gernoth, Jochen Reinwand, Stephan Kraft, Verena Venus, Roland Karch, Ralf Kleineisel, Birgit König. DOI 10.1007/978-3-540-68217-2_8, ISBN 978-3-540-47690-0, In: Proceedings des Workshops Echtzeitsysteme im Alltag, Boppard, November/Dezember 2006
  • Aktive Performance-Messungen in Wireless Netzwerken auf der Basis des IPPM-Frameworks
    Roland Karch, Ralf Kleineisel, Birgit König, Stephan Kraft, Jochen Reinwand, Verena Venus. DOI 10.1007/3-540-29595-X_14, ISBN 3-540-29594-1, In: Proceedings des Workshops Echtzeitaspekte bei der Koordinierung Autonomer Systeme, Boppard, Dezember 2005
  • WiN-Lab goes GÉANT2
    Roland Karch, Birgit König, Stephan Kraft. In: 72. Benutzerinformationen RRZE, Oktober 2004
  • Messmethoden zur Eignung von Gigabit-Ethernet für Echtzeit-Anwendungen
    Iris Heller, Roland Karch, Ralf Kleineisel, Birgit König, Stephan Kraft. DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-18594-6_4, ISBN 3-540-23424-1, In: Proceedings des Workshops Eingebettete Systeme, Boppard, November 2004
  • Messungen von Echtzeitverhalten im G-WiN
    Ralf Kleineisel, Iris Heller, Susanne Naegele-Jackson. DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-55617-3_13, ISBN 3-540-20141-6, In: Proceedings des Workshops Verteilte Echtzeitsysteme, Boppard, November 2003


Version: 02.08.2024