Current Cooperation Projects
QuNet+ML: Optimization of quantum communication networks using machine learning – The Network Research Group started this new research project in January 2023. The study, funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, is one of a series of new projects launched to address specific issues identified by the QuNET consortium: QuNET website. QuNET+ML primarily investigates the areas of key management (KMS) and element or network management systems in meshed network structures and how these areas can be optimized in quantum communication networks with ML support. The project has a total duration of three and a half years (until June 2025).
GÈANT5 Phase 2 (GN5-2) – GÈANT-5 is part of the EU framework program “Horizon Europe”. The first phase GÈANT5-P1 had a total duration of 24 months until December 2024. A second phase GÈANT5-P2 starts in January 2025 with a total duration of 30 months.
The Network Research Group is working on the project in two Work Packages: In Work Package 6: Network Development and in Work Package 7: Network Infrastructure and Service Evolution and Operations. The research in these Work Packages focuses on developments on automated resource management orchestration and optimized work process flows. In addition, the Network Research Group is involved in research on quantum technologies, fiber sensing, and the further development of RARE (Router for Academia, Research and Education), as well as the development of corresponding learning and training modules.
Version: 06.12.2024