First three PQC-algorithms standardized by NIST

After 8 years of research on the methods, the first three quantum-secure PQC algorithms have now been standardized by NIST:

  • FIPS 203, Module-Lattice-Based Key-Encapsulation Mechanism Standard (ML-KEM) based on Crystals-Kyber
  • FIPS 204, Module-Lattice-Based Digital Signature Standard (ML-DSA) based on Crystals-Dilithium
  • FIPS 205, Stateless Hash-Based Digital Signature Standard (SLH-DSA) based on SPHINCS+

Crystals-Kyber & -Dilithium are lattice-based methods whose mathematical problem consists of calculating the closest crossing point of the lattice to the zero point. SPHINCS is a hash-based signature and is stateless.

The security of some of the other 69 PQC-algorithms examined has already been officially „broken“, but the ones mentioned above are considered “unbreakable” even after years of professional testing by NIST. If these are also broken in the future, other broad, standardized algorithms will have to be used. Therefore, the standardization of additional algorithms that are as diverse as possible must continue. For this reason, FALCON will be standardazied in 2024.

The starting signal for implementation has now officially begun, but implementation into the IT infrastructures of companies will take around 10 more years. Hopefully this date will fall before the date of the first usable quantum computer that can break current encryption techniques.


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